Saturday, July 29, 2017

No More Fills

Yesterday was my last appointment before my exchange surgery.  We saw the Breast Surgeon and the Plastic Surgeon and officially established that I don't need another fill into the tissue expanders.  

The implants are 100% silicone.  I will have the smallest size or the 2nd smallest size available.  They will determine which size fits the best in my chest cavity.  The fit has to be tight to prevent the implant from rotating or from "wrinkling" under the skin. It also needs to be big enough to keep the skin tight or the skin would have a greater chance of dying.  

After my appointment, we went to lunch at PF Changs to celebrate.  I typically follow the Autoimmune Paleo Diet (AIP) with some reintroductions (wine, eggs, chocolate).  I have been following it for about 19 months and because I know that it truly helps (lowers inflammation in the body and significantly helps with autoimmune flares), I really do stick with it every single day except for on a rare occasion like yesterday at PF Channgs!

Although I am a firm believer in the diet, I also believe it is OK to stray from it once in a great while.  That is what I did yesterday.  A little soy, a little rice, a little refined sugar.  Not my usual but yesterday we feasted and I enjoyed every bite.  Plus at PF Changs, they have a fantastic gluten free menu.  I always stay gluten free.  

I am so glad to not have anymore fills.  

3 Requirements for Exchange Surgery:

~8 weeks from mastectomy 

~4 weeks from last fill

~No bruising left 

So, the earliest I could have surgery would be August 24th.  The scheduler should be calling on Monday.  

I also found out the surgery should be about an hour and I will be under general anesthesia.  

After the exchange surgery, I feel like the real healing can start.  Otherwise this next surgery is just looming in the back of my mind.  

1 comment:

  1. I forgot PF Changes had such a good GF menu! I will totally remember that for future! :)
